…to unlock the psychological reasoned potentials of play-based learning.
Playing is a learning technique that has accompanied humans for many millions of years. It has played a key role in the cultural development of mankind. So it is no wonder that our evolution has endowed play with some powerful psychological mechanisms that give it the potential to be a core technique for most informal and also formal educational contexts. Toys and board games could be the ideal format for this and should therefore be omnipresent in all educational settings.
Unfortunately, many educators and decision-makers in the education sector dismiss play as childish and favor learning methods that rely too heavily on repetition and conditioning and neglect other aspects such as intrinsic motivation or the learning booster of positive emotions. I’m not saying that playing is the only effective learning method, but it is perhaps the most underestimated.
I would like to help amend this situation and bring the principles and approaches of play wherever important future skills are taught. If you can associate yourself with these goals and are curious about my approaches, I would be delighted if you would take a look around this site and contact me.